On Monday, January 18th we, Cheltenham Multifaith Council, United Mercy Mobilization Alliance, and the Institute for Forgiveness and Reconciliation hosted a zoom conference in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
As a continuation of our October Interfaith Conference on Giving and Forgiving, we began 2021 with our talk on Martin Luther King Jr with Building Bridges of Understanding Across our Human Family: Civil Conversations in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Chaired by Sister Cathy (Chestnut Hill College), Aziz Nathoo (UMMA Charities), and Saundra Sterling Epstein (Cheltenham Multifaith Council), we discussed the importance of bridging divides, respect for all humans, the importance of love, and the hope for a better future.
We then watched the recording of Martin Luther King Jr accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
“I still believe we can overcome”
We moved into small groups which allowed the facilitation of deeper conversations and understandings which ended with the question “what can/will you do in your community to bring MLK’s vision to reality today?
As we closed our session, the theme of the day shone brightly in the answers given by participants. Love, compassion, and unity through the life and teachings of MLK brought us together on Monday and as we look towards the future in the New Year we aspire to not only hold these practices closely but to implement them in our daily lives.
Peace Islands Institute Pennsylvania (PIIPA) seeks to promote a civil society based on shared human values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We aspire to advance the aims of social justice and human rights through education, dialogue, and collaboration.
Peace Islands Institute PA
3515 Midvale Ave, STE 2C
Philadelphia, PA 19129