The event was held in Behrakis Grand Hall and with over 100 in attendance across a broad spectrum of traditions, the evening set the foundation for many bridges of dialogue to be built in the future. The program for the evening provided the guests insight into both Shabbat and Iftar processions.
Students from Drexel Hillel shared reflections and traditions on fasting in the Jewish tradition. Talks for the evening concluded with remarks from Mr. Bekir Aksoy on fasting in the Islamic tradition, its relation to both the Jewish and Christian traditions, and the importance of sustained dialogue.
Abraham's Table
On Friday July 10th Peace Islands Institute hosted a community dinner at Drexel University. In collaboration with Drexel Student Affairs and the Student Center for Inclusion and Diversity, Dinner at Abraham’s Table honored both Muslim and Jewish traditions as both an Iftar and Shabbat dinner.